Maybe you're the safest place to land,
And maybe that's alright.
(Oh, but underneath
The fear shakes my firm belief)
Who are you, really?
- Just another disappointment,
Just another piece of floor
Pulled out from underneath my feet.
(I hope, I hope it isn't true
-That hope hasn't deceived me
Like it has before)
It's hard for me to trust,
To lay myself right open,
But I don't want any
Conditional love masked as something
That will actually last.
But you seem like a safe place to land,
The safest place I've seen in days.
Your lights are on,
Welcoming beacons for a weary traveler,
And my heart is weary
And worn.
I'd like to put down my bag,
And please, don't be impatient
If I linger at your door.
I'm testing all the boards
Just to see if something creaks.
You deserve the benefit of the doubt,
But be patient with my heart.
They've walked across it
A few times for good measure.
It's never been that strong,
And now it isn't even.
And I'm learning about forgiving
And healing and forgetting,
And you were there
When I sent out a desperate flare.
So, maybe, do you think-
(Don't be afraid to say no.
I'll take the truth
Better than all these bitter lies.
I'm tired of these bitter lies)
-You could be my place to land?
I didn't give you preparation
Or lay some good foundation
For a smooth, predicted landing,
But that doesn't even matter
Because I see you from way up high
As I plunge down in burning flames,
And you are here with all your lights turned on,
And maybe you're the safest place to land.