Hope comes in crushing blows
And smiles that never last.
Life likes to prove it so
With love that never lasts.
People say they will
And make promises
They won't even try to keep,
And we'll just let them go.
They're human --
What else do you expect?
If I could put a band aid on every broken hope--
But no, we haven't time or space
But no, we haven't time or space
To travel down that road.
It's just enough to know
That hope hurts
Much like despair.
Sometimes I wonder what's the point
Of one and not the other.
Hope is something
I cannot bear.
I cannot bear.
It bursts at every seam
Like sorrow
And cannot be pinned down,
Contained with perfect words.
What is one
Without the other?
Sorrow and hope.
For every light burned out
And every dream pulled down,
One holds the other's hand.
We mourn as much
For hope as for the thing that dies,
And all our sorrows double.
Hope comes in crushing blows
And laughter on the summits,
Somewhere just out of reach.
Hope walks hand in hand
With love that never lasts
And promises left out to dry
And aching battles repeated
Till something else gives up and dies,
Unable to capture hope
Within these flaw-filled hands.
Hope postponed creates despair,
But hope fulfilled
Pulls the band aids off my heart
And multiplies my joy.
Do any of you write poetry/prose? I'd love to see it if you're up for sharing!