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Monday, July 24, 2017

The World is Burning

The world is burning
-My world is burning.
I see the flames from where I am.
The smoke lingers in the air
Like some unwanted word,
Some castaway feeling
That's strong enough
Not to go very far.
My hills have all turned black,
Black like a night.
Devoid of any color.
Devoid of familiarity.
What were they before?
Mine, always mine
Till now, till the flames came.
They came and stole my hills away.
My hills slept soundly
Beneath the dry golden,
But they were still there,
And they'd wake back up
In springtime when the moisture sank
Deep beneath the hardened crust.
The hills will - would come awake
With the colors of a dream,
The colors of some other world,
Surely not this dying desert,
But my hills have been stolen.
All the colors torn away
Right beneath my watching eyes,
Right beneath my guardian's gaze.
The flames steal my colors,
My colors and my hills,
And I cannot get them back,
And so the world burns
-My world burns.
I see the flames from where I am,
And I know.
I just know it will never be the same.


  1. This is beautiful. I can feel the heart and soul behind it. Amazing job.


  2. this!!! so forlorn and poetic and ouCH MY HEART<3


Hey there! :) Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I live for long comments, long walks, and food, especially food, but also long comments.