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Monday, October 9, 2017

It's Okay to Ask for Help

I don't like asking for help. At all. I'll go high and low to avoid it, even if the help would give me peace of mind or save me from hours of extra work or worry that could have been avoided.

Nope. I'm absolutely, most assuredly not going to ask. Besides, I know exactly what they're going to say. They're going to say something I don't like, and it's not just that. They'll probably say something that shows how little they know me. And it's just too tiring to tell them all the reasons they're wrong, and wait, you're not supposed to swat down brainstorming ideas so you just have to politely listen, all the while boiling up inside, because they assume a lot and you don't actually need this help anymore and the whole thing was a failure...and...and...

And sometimes I just feel like it's way too much work to ask for advice.

But you know what?

It's not this whole exhausting thing. At least it doesn't have to be as long as we don't toss our pearls to swine. It's easy to let these negative interactions leave a nasty taste in our mouths. To keep us from experiencing the good parts. In our minds, we reason away the work of admitting our vulnerability because we're all flawed humans and no one has it more together than any other and anyway we know everything ourselves. But sometimes we have scraped the bottom. We are not enough, and we are being suffocated by that very 'not enoughness'. There's absolutely nowhere to go, and we've put great big walls all around us, and we are isolate because we're supposed to be able to do this on our own, but you know what?

It's still okay to ask for help. It's never too late to ask for help.

Yes, we're all flawed humans, and we don't have everything together, and some of the most respected individuals have revealed over time their sin stains to us. But being helped up by someone who stands a little taller than you, whose feet are on a more solid rock, whose love speaks loudly, is how it's meant to be. God wants us to always be growing. To be lifting our younger brothers and sisters all the while being lifted ourselves. None of us will ever fully arrive.

If you need help, ask for it because...

1. We all get worn out and tired and discouraged.

And we lose our ability to see our problems clearly. We can't get far enough away to view the big picture. We're stuck in the valley, and sometimes it's good to have a watchman up on the top telling us what is waiting on the other side or which place is easier to climb because they've already done it.

2. Nobody knows everything, even if we mostly think we do.

There's always room for learning, and every single person you meet knows something you don't. I got this pride thing. It's really hard. I'd rather exhaust every ounce of me before showing I don't have it altogether. I don't want to be viewed as stupid because I should know this and this, even though I don't. I don't want to be viewed as lazy because I could have figured this out if I'd only give it time and energy. I don't want to be a bother. Yet, on the other hand, if someone thought I could help them, I would. Without hesitation, I would give their problem, their worries, all of my attention. I'd even wonder, "Why are they asking me? Why do they think I could have this wisdom?" I am humbled by someone asking me for help. 

3. I think it's something God wants. 

There aren't a whole lot of verses exactly on the idea of having mentors or counselors, but there is a lot about us sharpening each other, encouraging each other, mourning with one another, financially helping one another. Because of the way things are structured, I believe God had that kind of thing in mind. He made families. Fathers and mothers to guide us in the way we should go, but sometimes they just can't help or are not around. He placed church elders and pastors for guiders. Sometimes even paid counselors. God can use anyone to bless us, anyone to lift us up, dust us off, and send us on our way.

Is it hard for you to ask for help or is it just me? What has been your most helpful advice? Least helpful? How do you feel about giving advice? 


  1. I totally get what you're saying and can relate to it. I like being independent. I want to figure it all out myself. But I can't and it can be frustrating. Great post!


    1. Frustrating - that's definitely how I get and quickly. It's hard to balance a healthy degree of independence and then the willingness to ask for help. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ivie!

  2. This resonates so much! I'm terrible at asking for help, and pride is definitely a big factor. I don't like feeling out of control, like I can't fix something on my own. I don't like looking weak or being embarrassed or NEEDING someone for something I think I should be able to handle. Or I tend to think my problem doesn't matter, and that I'll just be a bother and a burden.

    But you're right, I'm often honoured and humbled when I'm the one being asked. I rarely view those requests as burdens, so why do I think mine will burden others?

    Love what you said about the watchmen--that was beautiful. I don't even have an eloquent way to end this comment, but...this has been on my mind a lot lately, so thank you. <3

    1. Thank you so much, Tracey! I'm glad you could relate. 'Needing someone for something I think I should be able to handle. Or tend to think my problem doesn't matter, and that I'll just be a bother and a burden' - Ditto. I'm wondering if this also has to do with being born into large families? It starts a habit that is really hard to break.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. I'm glad you wrote this post. I can relate to a lot of the things you fear when your asking for helps. It does seem to help in the long run of things however. Take care(:

    1. Thank you, Vanessa! I'm so happy you could relate. It's comforting to know others are going through the same challenges.

      Glad you enjoyed and took the time to comment!


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