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Monday, March 19, 2018

Spring and Hope

It was spring today.
I guess it's time to come alive,
To throw off the blankets
And greet the bluest sky.
The birds were hope,
Or they sang of a hope
We haven't seen for awhile.
Hope and darkness
Cannot easily coexist,
And I have been the darkness,
And who has been my hope?
But it was spring today,
And something stirred inside.
Something that changed
The colors of my day
And made me come alive.
From the death-like winter in my soul 
To hope and spring holding hands.
In the moments from here
The flowers will grow,
And I will try to grow
After being stunted for a year.
But it doesn't seem impossible
Or improbable or simply not to be
Because spring is my season
To learn to live again.
I'm gasping in each breath,
Dancing beneath springtime skies,
Embracing that thing with many feathers 
-That thing called hope.
It was spring today.
It's time to come alive.
I've been fast asleep
For months now,
And waking up is hard
Because hope and joy mean everything,
But they are quickest to die
When you don't fight to keep them alive. 


  1. AHHH, it's soooo beautiful, Meaghan!!! That last stanza really got me :)


    1. Aw <3 Thank you so much, Catherine! It makes me so happy when my poetry connects with others.

  2. So amazing! I love this. And I relate to the whole thing A LOT. Great job! <3

    ~Ivie| Ivie Writes

    1. Thank you, Ivie, for your always encouraging comments! <3 I feel like this poem sums up how my emotions are every spring.

  3. This is the best poem I've read in months! I love, love, love it.

    1. Thank you so much, Vickie! <3 <3

      I'm so glad you stopped by and took the time to read and leave a comment =)


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