Let me hide away in these pages
Because it is safe within these pages.
They can't hurt me within these pages.
So what if love can't find me here?
Love isn't some cure for hurt.
It multiplies the aftershock of angry words,
Of careless words thrown at a misunderstood heart.
Should have said it then.
Should have said it to your face.
Should have said it
Before you were in too deep.
You could have left me on the beach.
What have we lost because we would not sacrifice ourselves?
Your emotions are fuel for the fire,
And I've been fighting my own desire.
I gave you a piece of my broken,
But I should have waited.
It wasn't ever what you wanted.
Love lives long enough
For you to forget
About a life
Where you survived
Without her.

Mostly my energy was sucked up with relationships and work. I did bake two pies. Tried my hand at a strawberry-rhubarb which I made for a friend's Birthday, and I remembered how much I do love baking. And once again I remembered I can mostly do anything I put my mind to in the kitchen. Now if I only felt that way about all things life.
I'm sorry for not getting around to visit all your blogs, but I'm trying to pull myself in and start fresh. And it's definitely a challenge. I hope you all had a lovely May and your June is looking bright!
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Hey there! :) Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I live for long comments, long walks, and food, especially food, but also long comments.