About Me

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

When things actually grew...

Would you come to the garden with me?
I know a garden isn't your thing.
The dirt and the water - the grub-
Getting everywhere never suited you,
But maybe you can pretend for a day.
Pretend and make me happy.
Pretend and cast the loneliness away.
Maybe we can water or plant
Or just simply weed in silence.
You know, there's always weeding,
Or maybe you don't - I don't know.
So would you come to the garden with me?
We'll sit on the bench in the shade
When our bones are weary
Or the sun shifts,
And the heat is overbearing.
We'll rest, I promise,
As soon as the last seeds are planted.
I don't think you can imagine
A rest like the rest in the shade
After your work in the sun.
And everything will simply be better
Because you chose to go to the garden with me.
I'll teach you all that I know,
Or I won't if my voice is a noise;
a nuisance upon the nuisance
Of the dirt and the mud.
I'll simply guide your hands
So you will know the how,
But you won't know the why,
Unless the why is something you want.
Put the dirt here.
Make a trench there.
Whisper the words like me,
"Grow, grow,
Become big and plentiful,"
And maybe they will,
Or maybe they won't.
It's just the garden's way.
The soil flirts and seduces
While the weeds push back the love.
I've lost you now.
I know I have in the middle of this place.
You'll probably say,
"That's the way it goes when you ask me to come to the garden,"
But don't be so bitter.
This is where my heart dwells.
In a garden by vegetables, weeds, and flowers.
So when I ask you to come to the garden,
It's an invitation right into my heart.

That's mostly what I've been doing lately - gardening - all around my other responsibilities (cause I've picked up another 4 hours (at least) of work every week, and there's potentially another 3 hours. I'm trying not to freak.). It's sad how I seem to have less time to get lost out there in the garden every passing year, but I guess that's just the way it is. This past weekend, I spent far too much of my free time prepping the ground for potatoes, but stupid me bought too many (AGAIN). This evening I managed to get them all (35...bleah) planted.  But I won't lose you in my endless ramblings about my garden. I won't mention how I put up a greenhouse for the first time (and how it subsequently blew over in the wind. Sad day). How my hobbies have once again seized more space in my room (the seeds have decided to make a germinating station in there - but hey, it's been worse. One year I had like 75 Butternuts in there...and pumpkins. Can't forget my pumpkins.). Anyway, here we are in April, but I don't want to think too much about that.

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