About Me

Monday, May 29, 2017

I'm Leaving on an Jetplane

Hey, this is just a quick post to let you all know I'll be absent for the next two weeks, probably. I had hoped to get a normal post in this weekend, but everything kinda went downhill in the past few days. I'm leaving late tomorrow night (I've decided already that red eye flights might be the worst idea in the entire world. Stupid, optimistic, November 2016 me)  to fly to visit my friend (wrote a blogpost about my friendship here) in South Carolina, but so long as sharks don't get me, I'll be back.
Here's a question: how come 'vacations' end up being so stressful? Mostly it's because I'm just super busy in late Spring and early Summer, and I'm leaving all my responsibilities to other people which is also kinda worrisome. Also, we've been taking care of a baby squirrel (will post pictures of that when I get back), and since I'm leaving soon I took all the night shifts. It's an awfully cute critter, but why this week of all weeks?
Anywho, I'm mostly all packed. Packing isn't such a hard thing for me, but the part where I'm trying to get everything done at home before I go is difficult. *continues post next afternoon*...On a high note, I get more done during this time than on a normal basis. Like...this morning I spent two and a half hours at my Grandma's planting her flowerbed full of flowers, and I was there last night till 9:30. At least it saves me from being a basket case. I'm trying not to freak out, but this is the first time I've flown alone...or gone on a 9-day trip like this by myself...But hey, I'll be fine.

You guys have a fantastic week and try not to go too crazy.


  1. It is quite funny (*not*) how vacations can be so stressful. Makes you wonder where you can find true rest. But despite the stress, they're often worth it :) Hope this one is. Have a good time!

    1. Thank you, Alicyn! I did have a good time, even though it was super stressful at some points. Now I'm needing a vacation after my vacation :P


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