About Me

Monday, June 18, 2018


You were so broken,
And I wanted to fix you,
To piece back together
The parts that have left you, 
To set your heart back to beating
The steady rhythm that I know,
But how could I fix you
When I'm as broken myself?
I don't know what it is to be whole,
But I've always imagined you were.
It must be my fault, then,
That I now see this new fracture .
I set you too high,
And now you have too far to fall.
No, you've already fallen
And shattered high flying theories of life
- my high flying theories of life,
But now that I know you are broken,
Will you let my hands touch your scars?
Will you let me close enough
-Close enough to put two pieces back together?
My hands don't know how to be gentle,
But I'll learn.
I won't use the same touch
As I cruelly use on myself.
I'll even approach on tiptoes
To keep from frightening your soul. 
I see you reach out your hand
As I slip into your land.
"Come close. Don't be afraid."
I lift up my eyes at your voice 
And wonder and stare and smile.
"You are broken - let me fix you."
I stand where I am 
-Your words are my words,
Only said in reverse.
You see my brokenness,
And I see your fractures.
I don't know how to fix you,
But I hope you will fix me,
Or maybe we'll learn
-Learn to fix one another
Or maybe we'll learn
To live broken together. 


  1. Beautiful! I love how it moves from "you and I" to "we." So much to chew on here.

    Serena | poetree

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Serena!


Hey there! :) Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I live for long comments, long walks, and food, especially food, but also long comments.