About Me

Monday, July 9, 2018


I think...
I think I'd like to runaway
And be a runaway
As long as it's with you.
Otherwise I wouldn't even
Last a single day.
Let's just leave our lives
And forget
About this aching pain.
Let's toss out all our troubles
And find some odd adventure
In forests and on mountain peaks.
I think...
I think it'd be enough-
You and me and God
And our conversations
And our own creations.
I don't think 
Anything could make me come right back
To what my life was like before.
I don't think 
I could bear this loneliness again
Or never seeing that face of yours
Or hearing what you have to say
To make the darkness lighten every day.
I think...
I think I'd stay a runaway
Because if I could just
Pack my bags and go,
I might outrun 
My loneliness and
My disappointment
And find some place
That's quiet to stay
Until my mind is silent.
I think...
I think it'd only work
If you were there with me. 


Hey guys, I didn't intend on taking a two week break from blogging, but my brother and his family came to visit (which meant I met my nephew for the very first time!! He's just the sweetest little guy <3), and everything fell by the wayside. I have some other types of posts in the works, but for now, as I catch back up, I thought I'd post more poetry. 

I hope all of you are doing well! What's been happening in your lives?  


  1. Wow - this reminds me of my sister....


    1. The friendships where you are sick of the world but you still want to take the person along with you are the best ❤

  2. This is gorgeous and sad and I love it. <3 I could hear it as a song... something haunting sung by a voice like Fleurie's, maybe?

    1. Thank you, Tracey ❤ I would love someday to be able to put some of my poems to music! I've tried in the past, but it's definitely a skill I haven't polished (if I actually have it).


Hey there! :) Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I live for long comments, long walks, and food, especially food, but also long comments.