About Me

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Splintering Selves {poetry}

Maybe I'll just never tell you.
I'll let these feelings settle
somewhere below the surface,
somewhere someone would have to look
to see and know what they have seen. 

But broken parts have a way of splintering
and slicing through the surface 
so others start to know,
or at least they know the consequence
but not so much the brokenness
and the reason why we get like this.

So maybe words should be said
and scars shown to someone
whose heart will shatter with ours
simply because our souls 
aren't strong enough to bear
the crippling weight of all our sorrow.

And maybe it isn't even ours
-- we seem to borrow sadness
from every single soul we see
then wonder why hearts ache
and why we bleed
somewhere below the surface.

So I'll show my scars
if you'll let me see your soul,
if you point to where it hurts
and confess why there are holes.
Just please don't hide your feelings.
Don't let them settle below the surface. 


Hey there! :) Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I live for long comments, long walks, and food, especially food, but also long comments.