About Me

Monday, November 6, 2017

You Don't Have To Fix Me

Could we sit here for awhile?
Could we sit here in this silence?
You don't have to say a word.
Please don't say a word.
Just sit here next to me
Till this numbness starts to thaw.
You don't even have to fix me
Or put my broken pieces back together.
Just remind me 
That one day I will be able
To hold a completely perfect circle
Instead of this 
-This shattered broken thing. 
Could we sit here for awhile?
Could we sit here in this silence?
Please don't say you see my broken,
Just my broken and nothing else,
Nothing like potential or possibility.
Can you stand to see my broken
And hear it slip right off my tongue?
Can you watch me slide
Down some slope or dig my own pit 
-My own grave?
You don't have to answer.
I know it by the way you sit with me.
My broken isn't some wall
You have to will yourself right over.
My broken is like your broken.
My cracks are as invisible as yours
Until they begin to show.
This ache is one we both share,
And that is why we sit in our silences.
We sit next to each other
And our ugly brokenness,
And we overlook the flaws,
The broken fences,
The shattered windows of our souls
Because we know we only mirror. 


  1. Wow, this was deep and incredible. I love it. Awesome job. <3


  2. Wow. This is so beautiful and deep and amazing. <3

    -Madeline Joy

    1. THIS makes me so happy! I'm delighted you liked it <3 <3 <3

  3. This chills me and also makes me want to say yes to everyword.

    1. Vanessa! Thank you, thank you, thank you! =) This comment delights me. How have you been? I haven't seen a new post on your blog for a bit, but I hope you're doing well.


Hey there! :) Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I live for long comments, long walks, and food, especially food, but also long comments.