About Me

Monday, January 15, 2018

To Plant Some Hope

I want to plant a tree.
I want to plant some hope
So that everyone who looks might believe,
Even when inside I don't. 
I want to patch these holes 
-My holes -
With something better yet,
A patchwork more noble
Because of who I know.
I want to reflect more than myself
When others look inside my eyes.
They needn't see the holes I see 
Or everyday compromise.
I want to make believe 
Something is growing deep inside 
-A quality you'd want to find,
Or some dying piece of self
Who gives more growth in death
Than ever does with life,
Or maybe just a seedling 
Whose presence surprises
And whose purpose can't be discovered.
I don't want to wait,
But growing things takes patience
And maybe a little break
From the sun's strong face
Or from the drought which dries a soul.

I want to plant a tree.
I want to plant some hope,
And maybe both will start
In the garden of my heart. 


  1. I want to plant a tree as well. There's something so great about planting a tree. When I read this I thought of the wildfires in California and Oregon. How the tree can provide hope to a land that was touched so abusively. Your words are wise <3
    Simply Me

    1. There's something about planting things that grow, period. It's an act filled with hope, and you don't always realize it. And watching things grow as the years pass. Or how the ground recovers after devastation. The whole process is filled with so much hope!

      Thank you, Vanessa!

  2. Mmm, love this. Hope, patching holes, make believe, patience... The symbolism of trees is special to me, for some reason.

    1. Thank you, Tracey! =)

      I think hope in my mind will always be a patching up holes sort of thing. To me, the greatest hope is the slightly lame, slightly broken hope.


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