About Me

Friday, November 11, 2016

Me: "Yeah...I don't think this writing a synopsis thing is going to work for me..."

My Brain: "Um...you're going to do it. I'm only asking for fifteen minutes of your time."

Me: "I'm sick. I had a fever yesterday. I do not have to write any silly synopsis."

My Brain: "You can't use that as an excuse! You've been making excuses for the last week, and I've been letting you make them, but this is the end. Work on the silly synopsis RIGHT NOW!"

Me: "Suuurrrreee...See, I've got you distracted writing another blogpost instead of writing the synopsis. We'd do everything and anything rather than writing a synopsis."

My Brain: "Good grief..."

*note* They forgot to include the 'talking to yourself' part.


  1. THAT PIE CHART IS SO FREAKING ACCURATE. :') also your thoughts = my thoughts. The writing struggle is so real.


Hey there! :) Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I live for long comments, long walks, and food, especially food, but also long comments.