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Thursday, November 10, 2016

This week has got my head spinning in circles.  Mainly because of  the US general election (it's my first time to vote in one of these...only 18ish more to go. This is why people don't live terribly long lives...), but with the election comes all sorts of other thoughts, and I would write them all down, but I wouldn't even know where to begin. Besides, I'm fairly certain everyone is sick and tired of hearing everyone's opinions already. There's enough screams to go around - screams of anger/mourning and screams of glee and rejoicing.  At least, to me, it feels like they're screams; whether they are or not. My reaction hasn't been in either of those camps. I'm surprised. Yep, mostly surprised. And I'm grieved at how divided we, as a country, are. How hate-filled both sides are - I honestly didn't want to vote for either sides before the election because of that. I did not feel either side truly represented me.

I got the feeling that both candidates must really hate America since their campaigns mostly consisted of how awful the other person and his/her supporters are. Did they really expect us to come together after the election? The reactions to this election don't surprise me. I get the feeling that each election will leave us more and more disjointed at this rate. Something has to change, but it won't unless people really, truly change, and how can we since our natural bent is towards everything ugly and detestable? Either I'm a racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. etc. bigot or I'm a superior, politically correct, etc. etc. libtard. Pick your insults cause there is no middle ground.

It's a messy place out there right now. In times like these, you realize just how broken everything is. I'm planning to hide under my rock (okay, not literally...) till the storm blows over because my personality was not made for this sort of thing. I hate being misunderstood. I get too emotional too quickly if I try to discuss things. I would seriously give up on this thing if I didn't have faith in something bigger than myself and all the other flawed human beings in existence. This I know - before the election I prayed not that the candidate I voted for would win, but that God's will would be done. If it's God's will, what does it matter if it isn't ours? We play our small parts, but God is the Blessed Controller of ALL Things. That grants us true confidence. We do not have to put our hope and trust in flawed human beings who cannot save us. And all my hope, every ounce, is in God.

On another note, if the results of one election is going to make you move to Canada, what made you love your country in the first place? I really, really want to know the answer to this question.

Also, another randomness, would you rather be loved with a love that sees no fault in anything you do or loved with a love that loves in spite of your faults?

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